Maria Vocational Training Centre has been keeping step on the Third year. The activities for advancement of women through non formal education with a focus on skill trainings and sustainable development as well as providing humanitarian assistance and promoting self employment training to the women.

Stitching Unit Particulars

Maria vocational Training centre equipped with machinery to have a garment unit. In order to make the marginalized women and the training opportunities were given to them. The following items were stitched and distributed

Awareness Training for Women

On 10.10.2020, We had conducted awareness training on National Education Policy for the womenworking in factories. Also to equip them with legal knowledge,it was explained to them on minimum wages act and other women laws. The meeting was held at Maria Vocational training centre and 25 women were participated on this programme and gained knowledge on women rights and National Educational Policy. Mr.Venish Kumar was the resource person.

One day awareness training was organised at Maria Vocational Training Centre for women working in Banian Companies. Sr.Sagaya Mary was the resource person and gave training on Sexual harrassement atworking place, domestic violence and benefits available in working place under the law.This meeting was held on 19.11.2020 and 25 women were participated and acquired knowledge on Legal awareness on the law that protects them against sexual violence.

On 23.12.2020, We had conducted awareness training on HIV/AIDS by Mr.Venish Kumar, Programme Manager, TANSACS Project for the women working in construction sectors. Also to equip them with practical knowledge on impact of HIV Virus and usage of safty measures.It was clearly explained to them how the people are still treated by the society and their stigma. The meeting was held at Maria Vocational Training Centre and 30 women were participated,gained knowledge on impact of HIV/AIDS. Mr.Venish Kumar was the resource person.

On 23.12.2020,at Maria Vocational Training Centre, an entrepreneurship training for self employed women from rural area was given by Canara Bank Manager Mr.Gokul and Mrs. Kalaivani. They trained them in self employment tacticts, quality of production, fixing the rate and how to market the products. 28 rural women were participated and benefited from this training.

Skill Development Training

On 8th August 2020, at Maria Vocational Training Centre, we have conducted embroidery training for women with use of waste clothes. Tailoring teacher Mrs.Parthiya Mary was the trainer of this program and 20 women were trained and made new things for their usage out of old clothes and the beneficiaries were happy and felt that the training was very useful for them.

On 04.01.2021, one day jewel making training with silk thread. This was organized by Mrs.Parthiya Mary, Tailoring Teacher for 30 students at Maria Vocational Training Centre. The trainer taught a variety of models in artificial Jewel with thread.The students were happy. Among them one of the girlMs.Vinitha, currently making the jewel at her home and earn small amount by selling for her education.

Significant Activity

Since children were on vacation due to Covid pandemic, new initiative of Silambattam training was undertaken for the welfare of children between the age of 5 to 15, in association with Eyil Academy. The coach of the Eyil academy, Mr.Manikandan together with Mrs.Malini gave training at Maria Vocational Trainingfor the children. Currently, 15 children were being trained.

Annai Theresa Tailoring Centre, Mettupalayam

Based on this we planned to expand our servicing area day by day. The office was modified and kept separate place for training of women and children. The object of this Tailoring Unit is to provide the technical tailoring to the marginalized. During this year the following activities were carried out.The New Office at Mettupalayam was inaugurated on 22.11.2020& the Ceremony was graced by Rev.Sr.Theresa, Rev.Sr.Deena and Rev.Sr.Jeyaseeli along with the staff and tailoring students.

Tailoring Training

Annai Theresa Tailoring Unit handled by Rev.Sr.Victoria Rani & Mrs.Jansi and 35 students were enrolled during this year 2020-2021 and have completed their courses successfully. Details are below furnished

Door mat training

Other than that the tailoring students were equipped with other self employment training. On 22ndOctober 2020, we had conducted Doormat training at our Tailoring Unit. Mrs.Jansi, Tailoring teacher was the resource person and she has explained about Knot knitting and web knitting of Door mats. 15 students were actively participated and learned.

Jewel making training

On 20.11.2020 we organised one day Artificial Jewellery Making training at our office. Mrs.Jansi has taught them new model of earrings, designing chain and bracelet. 15 students were participated and felt happy about the training.

Candle making training

On December 1st 2020 we participated World AIDS Day meeting at the collectorate, Tirupur. Oathtakenfor aiming zero infection.On the World AIDS Day CBS camp was organized in Tirupur block. Totally 55 HRGs were tested in CBS camp. The results were Non - reactive.

Hearing-aid Assistance:

With the support of Ravel Province, we collected 35 women in and arround Mettupalayam to learn about Candle Making. Mr.Kathiravan, the owner of candle factory from Gandhipuram came as resource person and gave training to them on production of different types of Candles, Incense and marketting method, how to start as self emloyment.35 women were attended this training and all of them were enriched their knowledge on Candle Making.