Annai Theresa Tailoring Centre

In the year 2021-2022, at Mettupalayam, it was planned to expand our servicing area day by day, The office was modified and kept separate place for training of women and children.The object of this Tailoring Unite is to provide the technical tailoring to the marginalized.During this year the following activities were carried out.

Other than Tailoring training students were equipped with other self-employment training. On 18.8.2021, we had conducted Door mat training at our Tailoring Unit. Mrs.Jansi Tailoring teacher was the resource person and she has explained about Knot Knitting and web knitting of door mats. 15 students were actively participated and learned.

Annai Theresa Tailoring Unit handled by Rev. Sr. Jansi Rani, Centre in-charge & Mrs. Jansi. Tailoring teacher and 30 students were enrolled during this year 2021-2022 and has completed their courses successfully.