Rhythem is yet to open its innings in promoting organic farming, bio-fertilizers and pesticides production, environment friendly technologies, renewable energy sources, re-cycling and reuse of bio-degradable wastes and stop up its efforts in organizing, job-oriented short-term trainings, job placement action, SHG women's financial services, bridging the gap between the producers and consumers, geriatric care and support, early childhood education and care, abandoned/surrendered child adoption home, Vocational Training courses, Socially challenged people meaningful participation of the target families in democratic processes of our country
Rhythem is persistently making efforts to access donor aid and it is ardently hoped that sooner or later it’d succeed. That’s when it would be in a position to intensify its activities and expand its outreach. In the meanwhile, Rhythem remains grateful to its supporters and pledges itself to utilize the scarce resources optimally for the welfare and development of the persons and families it is partnering with Rhythem works and makes its partners to work as well, since work banishes three evils, viz., boredom, vice and poverty. Rhythem will be back with you next year with more impressive outcomes resulting from its efforts.