Maria Vocational Training Centre
Maria Vocational Training Centre has been keeping step on the fourth year. The activities for advancement of women were taken through non formal education such as on skill trainings and sustainable development as well as providing humanitarian assistance and promoting self- employment training to the women.
On 15.10.2021, we had conducted HIV awareness and legal wareness training for the women to equip them with current inowledge. It was explained to them on impact of HIV and women laws. The meeting was held at Maria Vocational Training Centre and 20 women were participated in this programme and gained knowledge on women rights and HIV awareness. Mr. Venish Kumar was the resource person
At Maria Vocational Training Centre, one day awareness training was organized for women working in Baniyan Companies. Sr. Sagaya Mary was the resource person and gave training on sexual harassment at working place, domestic violence and benefits available in working place under the law. This meeting was held on 12.11.21 and 30 women were participated and acquired knowledge on law that protects them against sexual violence.